Video Security For Commercial in Fairfax, VA

If you are looking to protect your business in Fairfax, VA with a video security surveillance system, you should make sure to shop with the right company. There are a lot of companies out there that offer video surveillance systems in Fairfax, VA, and it can be difficult to purchase from the right company if you don't know what you are doing. Even mass market retail stores often sell video surveillance systems, but there are better options out there. Instead of purchasing your video surveillance system from a mass market retail store, consider purchasing it from Fairfax Video Securitye. There are plenty of reasons why you should consider purchasing your video security system from Fairfax Video Security Company instead of from a typical retail store. The selection at most retail stores is a bit limited, and it can be difficult to find the system that you need for a reasonable price. This is not the case at Fairfax Video Security Company.





Looking to save your company $1000's ?
Dramatically increase employee productivity ?
Substantially reduce your exposure to litigation and other losses ?

Did you know?

The Small Business Administration says:

  • 80% of all business failures are the direct result of "Internal Theft".
  • The average time lost per full time employee is 6 weeks per year.
  • Frivolous Lawsuits (1 in 3 chance within the next year! Last year $160 billion lost to frivolous lawsuits!)
The Retail Merchants Association says:
  • Small businesses lose $30.00 to $50.00 per day.
  • 7 of 10 employees will steal given the opportunity.
  • 1 in 42 customers will shoplift.

    Call Shdow Security at 703-754-0119 for a free video security consultation in Fairfax, VA

Shdow Security | 703-754-0119 | 9403 Grant Avenue suite 100, Manassas, VA 20110 | The best video security company in Fairfax, VA

Video Security Company in Fairfax, VA